Laundry at your convenience
(New app launch)


This was a client project for a laundry app to be launched in American (initially in New York) on both iOS & Android devices. The app is a 3 side app in which the Washee’s laundry gets done by the Washer and delivered by the Courier. The app required copywriting for some personality to appeal to the target audience and translation to Spanish.


Sketch | Illustrator | Photoshop | InDesign | InVision | Principle | Zeplin

Role - UI/UX Designer

Sole designer and did content management on the project although I collaborated with other stakeholders such as the copywriter, translator, developers, marketing team etc.
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Designing a mobile app to be launched internationally

The mobile app, to be launched internationally (USA) was designed/developed in London, possed some challenges ahead which included:

  • Extra attention to detail was taken with regards to localisation e.g date/currency formats.
  • Translation of the whole app into Spanish.
  • The difficulty of user in-field testing of certain app functionality such as using the Maps.
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Meticulous attention to detail

Attention to detail had to be paramount and some of the procedures/systems to ensure this included:

  • Ensuring Copywriter (with similar experience) lived in American (as opposed to the UK for example), as they would better understand the nuances of how to communicate to the target audience.
  • Ensuring the human Translator (with similar experience) fully understood Mexican Spanish as oppose to European Spanish as there are certain nuances.
  • The Creative Director flew to New York to fully test all the functionality of the app (e.g the maps) on the field with users.

Video of Prototype

Read more about the design process

Case Study

Click through to high fidelity prototype

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